
images• The Pope died 02.04.2005 → 2 + 4 + 2 + 5 = 13

Papa a murit în data de 02.04.2005 → 2 + 4 + 2 + 5 = 13

• The time of his death is: 21:30 → 2 + 1 + 3 + 7 = 13

Ora morţii lui: 21:30 → 2 + 1 + 3 + 7 = 13

• This is week 13 in year 2005

În săptămâna a 13-a din anul 2005

• He was the Pope for 26 years and 5 months → 2 + 6 + 5 = 13

A fost Papă pentru 26 de ani şi 5 luni → 2 + 6 + 5 = 13

• Which is 9301 days → 9 + 3 + 0 + 1 = 13

Ceea ce reprezintă 9301 zile → 2 + 6 + 5 = 13

• 13 May → 13 he was shot by would-be assassin

În data de 13 mai a fost împuşcat → 13

• By years, the Pope was 85 → 8 + 5 = 13

Avea vârsta de 85 ani → 8 + 5 = 13

• Karol Wojtya has been chosen for Pope when 58. Again it’s 13: → 5 + 8 = 13

Karol Wojtya a fost ales Papă la vârsta 58 de ani. Iar 13: → 5 + 8 = 13

14 Interesting Facts about Dreams!


  1. You Forget 90% of Your Dreams. Within 5 minutes of waking half of your dream is forgotten. Within 10, 90% is gone.
  2.  Blind People also Dream.People who became blind after birth can see images in their dreams. People who are born blind do not see any images, but have dreams equally vivid involving their other senses of sound, smell, touch and emotion.
  3.  Everybody Dreams.Every human being dreams (except in cases of extreme psychological disorder). If you think you are not dreaming – you just forget your dreams.13-Interesting-Facts-about-Dreams-fairies
  4. In Our Dreams We Only See Faces That We already Know.Our mind is not inventing faces – in our dreams we see real faces of real people that we have seen during our life but may not know or remember. We have all seen hundreds of thousands of faces throughout our lives, so we have an endless supply of characters for our brain to utilize during our dreams.
  5. 13-Interesting-Facts-about-Dreams-spaceshipNot Everybody Dreams in Color.A full 12% of sighted people dream exclusively in black and white. The remaining number dream in full color. Studies from 1915 through to the 1950s maintained that the majority of dreams were in black and white, but these results began to change in the 1960s. Today only 4.4% of the dreams of under-25 year-olds are in black and white. Recent research has suggested that those changing results may be linked to the switch from black-and-white film and TV to color media.
  6.  Dreams are Symbolic.If you dream about some particular subject it is not often that the dream is about that. Dreams speak in a deeply symbolic language. Whatever symbol your dream picks on it is most unlikely to be a symbol for itself.13-Interesting-Facts-about-Dreams-rome
  7. Emotions.The most common emotion experienced in dreams is anxiety. Negative emotions are more common than positive ones.
  8. You can have four to seven dreams in one night.On average you can dream anywhere from one or two hours every night.
  9. Animals Dream Too.Studies have been done on many different animals, and they all show the same brain waves during dreaming sleep as humans. Watch a dog sleeping sometime. The paws move like they are running and they make yipping sounds as if they are chasing something in a dream.
  10. 13-Interesting-Facts-about-Dreams-cornfieldsBody Paralysis.Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is a normal stage of sleep characterized by rapid movements of the eyes. REM sleep in adult humans typically occupies 20-25% of total sleep, about 90-120 minutes of a night’s sleep. During REM sleep the body is paralyzed by a mechanism in the brain in order to prevent the movements which occur in the dream from causing the physical body to move. However, it is possible for this mechanism to be triggered before, during, or after normal sleep while the brain awakens.13-Interesting-Facts-about-Dreams-aladin
  11. Dream Incorporation.Our mind interprets the external stimuli that our senses are bombarded with when we are asleep and make them a part of our dreams. This means that sometimes in our dreams we hear a sound from reality and incorporate it in a way. For example you may be dreaming that you are in a concert while your brother is playing a guitar during your sleep.
  12. 13-Interesting-Facts-about-Dreams-cageMen and Women Dream Differently.Men tend to dream more about other men. Around 70% of the characters in a man’s dream are other men. On the other hand, a woman’s dream contains almost an equal number of men and women. Aside from that, men generally have more aggressive emotions in their dreams than the female lot.
  13. Precognitive Dreams.Results of several surveys across large population sets13-Interesting-Facts-about-Dreams-flowers indicate that between 18% and 38% of people have experienced at least one precognitive dream and 70% have experienced déjà  vu. The percentage of persons that believe precognitive dreaming is possible is even higher – ranging from 63% to 98%.
  14. If you are snoring, then you cannot be dreaming.This fact is repeated all over the Internet, but I’m a bit suspicious whether it’s really true as I haven’t found any scientific evidence to support it.

By:Gului Ariana

The best movies of 2012!

2012  presented as the most ambitious cinematographic year of the 21st century. Of course bad films were not missed, but they just seemed to be nothing in comparance with the masterpieces the last year offered us. You’re going to be informed with some of the top films of 2012. Let’s go!

imagesThe first great movie seen by me was „Moonrise Kingdom”, a new work of Wes Anderson, which presented as a tale for adults, and not only.  The most amazing is the concentration of a lot of great actors in one movie. The music in film was splendid.

Cristopher Nolan pleased us with the „The Dark Knight Rises”. A worthy ending for the most beloved trilogy of nowadays.

„Cloud Atlas” perhaps is the most overwhelming movie of the year, which is a combination of 6 different storylines based on the idea of reincarnation and the impact of simple cases, which may change our whole lives. Simply mind-blowing!

„Looper”, probably is the best choice for sci-fi lovers. Perfect make-up work.

„Life of Pi” comes out with a beautiful story of a young man who was stranded in the Pacific Ocean on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger. A journey through the real value of life.

Oscar winner „Argo” is a historical thriller directed by „young”  Ben Affleck, who gets better with every movie.

„Lincoln” is a new historical movie directed by well-known Steven Spielberg. The movie is starring Daniel Day-Lewis as Abraham Lincoln. The most interesting is that this role brought him the 3rd Oscar for best actor. Thus, Daniel became the first actor to have such success.

Finally, Tarantino’s new masterpiece „Django Unchained”. The film is much recommended to his fans.

These are some of the best films of the past year. It was hard to classify them, ‘cause2012 was really full of worthy films. Watch them, open new worlds, new characters and find yourself.

By:Guţu Ilie, 11″A”

Types of women!

Types of women(1)I had an opportunity to meet some types of women in my entire live. I am very glad that i had such an experience, because now i am able to make some difference between them.

I devided women in some categories, which are the most popular nowadays, so I would probably start with category which is called, BEST WOMEN, BEST, ENIGMATIC, SELFLESS, THIN WOMEN. This type of women deserves only the good things, hands full of rings, fistful of diamonds, flowers and only the best attitude, i’ve met such women, and i am very proud of it. These women will become the best mother’s for your children and the best wifes for you.

Next category is ,, TEACHER WOMEN,,… this caterogy of women will always try to teach you something , they will be the,, Head,, of your realationships , they need a disciple near them , not a real man.Rarely they will give you a chance to solve something by yourself , but you’ll be criticized for ever and ever.

My next category is ,,Babushka Women,, these women , are not to far from ,, teacher women ,, relationships with them will be alike relations between Mom and Son , they will call you and will ask where and with whom you’ve been, what you’ve eaten etc . This kind of relationships will become very boring as soon as it possible.

There is an category of women that i hate … ,, Mercedes-Benz Women ,,. These women are the most disgusting women in the world. Their level of,, iq,, is not so far from monkey’s one, and they don’t even know when the second World War started instead of these they are just fenomenal in the fashion field , they spend all of their free time at beauty salons and shops , they know all about expensive cars , but they will never be interested in your problems,these women will never become a good housewife , and a good mother.

My last category and i think the most important and beautiful category is,, IDEAL WOMEN,,. I think nobody would disagree that our moms are the best creatures in the world; it’s our first and our last word. I can speak about my mom hours and days , but the most important thing which I am sure she is waiting for , is that I love her, so my advice to you , dear readers , just be honesty and say to your moms that you love them , because they really deserve !

By:Morari Andrei, 11 „A”

Types of boys!

Girls are the most sensitive creatures on this Earth. They desire and crave for the true love but if their trust is broken, they hurt themselves and decide to end their life hoping that the person whom you love will realize his mistake and will repent for it but in fact it is not so.

Boys neither realize their mistake nor do they repent for it. Why should you waste you precious life for a worthless boy? So, never hurt yourself for a boy who will never learn to value you.

esq-men-celebrities-style-0311-xlgHere are 7 types of boys you should keep near. If your boy friend falls in any one of these qualities, then it’s good.

MR. SOCIAL BUM-He’s always the life of the party and he will always make you laugh.

MR. BOSS -He has a lifetime of experience to share which will likely keep you on your toes and he’ll show you how to see life in a different way

MR. TOO NICE-He always asks you out with reasonable notice and picks you up at your door and he will do anything for you, literally.

MR. INTELLECTUAL-He instigates conversations that are intellectually stimulating and listens to what you have to say in response and he makes you laugh with his clever sense of humor .

MR. ROMANTIC -When you meet, everything about him makes you swoon and he’s just the kind of man you’d love to flaunt, making all your girlfriends, and even the girls you don’t know, jealous. And you get treated like a princess.

MR. BEST FRIEND-He`s your best friend, you tell each other everything; you get along very, very well

and he’ll give you advice when you and your man are having problems and fights

MR. RIGHT -He’s handsome and intelligent, intellectual, brilliant, and capable of taking you there mentally and emotionally.

By:Gurduza Marina, 11″A”


McDonald’s hamburger is not spoiled at least 12 years!

In 1996, a consultant on nutrition Harahan Karen began an experiment: how much, without damage, will remain a hamburger from McDonald’s. It appeared at least 12 years. During this time, the burger does not spoil. In the U.S., many rushed to repeat this experiment. Among them – the photographer Sally Davies. December 15 marked her hamburger 979 days – and he is still in order.
On the first photo seen on experimental Harahan – left just bought a hamburger from McDonald’s on the right – which for 12 years. During this time the product will not rot, mold is not covered, but only to the state withered soles – that bun, that beef patty.
Harahan, as an expert on nutrition, says that the burger is eternal because it is packed with preservatives and salt.
In 2008, when there were these results, many Americans rushed to conduct the same experiment. Among them, a photographer from New York Sally Davis. She even made it more difficult experience, adding to the burger is also a standard serving fries. The result of the experiment Davis photographed every week and puts pictures on his page of Flickr. December 15, 2012 its hamburger and a bag of potatoes turned 979 days, and both products are still in good order! They do not have a trace of mold or mildew, the only change in this time – they are essentially dried up, almost turned to stone.
In the last photo unwitting result of an experiment conducted by Joan Brusco old woman from Denver: She bought this set of McDonald’s, put it on a shelf and forgot about it. A year later, French fries and burger were also tselehonkimi (the picture can be read and the composition of this ersatz food from McDonald’s, a complete chemical plant).

Of course, these experiments have not gone unnoticed by McDonald’s, and the company released a statement in the spirit of „Everything is normal, and the homes of the experimenters just very dry air.”
Another explanation for „eternity” of food from McDonald’s U.S. may be that the U.S. allowed genetically modified foods (GMOs). In Europe and Russia with regard to standards stricter GMO, but because the Russians themselves may well check the above mentioned experiments, putting a long storage of any goods from McDonald’s and see what will happen to them in the meantime.

By Fortuna Alina.

Silent disco!

Silent disco became a general term describing the disco where people dance to music in wireless headphones. Instead of using the speaker system, music is broadcast via FM-transmitter for wireless receivers built into the headphones. Those who are not in the headphones can not hear the music, with an effect of a room full of people dancing in silence.

By:Fortuna Alina.

Limba engleză – Ştiaţi că…?

  • este limba nativă a peste 300 milioane de oameni?
  • este a doua limbă vorbită pentru aproximativ 150 milioane de oameni?
  • în total, limba engleză are aproximativ 500 milioane de vorbitori, conform opiniei majorităţii specialiştilor?
  • este limba dominantă în domenii ca: ştiinţa, aviaţie, business, entertaiment, radio, diplomaţie sau internet?
  • se estimează că cel puţin un miliard de oameni cunosc limba engleză cel puţin la nivel de bază?
  • aproximativ 89% dintre elevii din statele membre studiază limba engleză ca limbă straină, la mare distanţă de limba franceză (32%), a doua clasată?
  • aproximativ 25.000 de noi cuvinte sunt incluse în vocabularul limbii engleze în fiecare an?
  • niciun cuvînt din limba engleză nu rimează cu “month”?
  • limba engleză conţine, conform dicţionarului Oxford, peste 600.000 de cuvinte?
  • este o limbă indo-europeană din familia limbilor germanice?
  • se înrudeşte cu islandeza, norvegiana, daneza şi suedeza?
  • este a doua limbă vorbită pentru aproximativ 150 milioane de oameni?
  • aproximativ 25.000 de noi cuvinte sunt incluse în vocabularul limbii engleze în fiecare an?
  • aproximativ 30% din cuvintele englezeşti provin din limba franceză? şi că aproximativ alte 30% sunt de origine latină?
  • litera cea mai folosită în engleză este “E”, iar “Q” cel mai puţin folosită?
  • dintre toate cuvintele limbii engleze “set” are cele mai multe definiţii?
  • propoziţia: “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” foloseşte fiecare literă a alfabetului.
  • cuvântul „rhythm” este cel mai lung cuvânt englezesc fără vocale.

Culese de:Bold Dana

Why should we learn English?

I think we all know the advertisement which offers a plausible answer to this question, don‟t we? Yes, I am referring to that commercial which shows two parents listening to a song which sounds good so they start moving and dancing on it without knowing that the song is in fact full of bad language. But their  children do know that and make fun of their parents‟ ignorance. It is important nowadays to speak a foreign language as it is first of all a demand when trying to get a job, then it is a necessity when you travel abroad, not to mention that it is even fashionable. Teenagers nowadays when they want to be „cool‟ start talking in English, fact not encouraged by the teachers but certainly encouraged by the mass-media. All their stars and idols are American, Canadian or British and watching their movies, singing their songs and reading articles about them are certainly their favourite activities, thus these having a big impact upon children acquiring the language.I advise  students not to learn English because it‟s fashionable but because it‟s fun and certainly useful. English is officially the most spread foreign language in the entire world so speaking English can definitely come in handy when travelling to any country since at least the people from the administration and those from commerce surely can speak and
understand it easily.

By Bold Dana.

Questionnaire – Tell me: What would you prefer?

1. On a Sunday evening you would like to go with your friends:
a) To McDonalds where you could eat a lot
b) You wouldn‘t like to go out with your friends, you would prefer to stay at
home and watch TV alone
c) To the disco and have fun
2. What would you prefer to do on a cold winter evening:
a) Drink a cup of tea in front of the TV
b) Drink a cup of hot chocolate and chat with your best friend
c) Eat a sandwich, drink a Cola and go to sleep early
3. During the summer holidays you would rather:
a) Go to the seaside with your family
b) Play more on the computer
c) Go fishing
4. When you are sad do you prefer:
a) To be left alone so you could cry and scream
b) To be surrounded by people who would comfort you
c) To yell at people

1. a – 2p
b – 1p
c – 3p
2. a – 2p
b – 3p
c – 1p
3. a – 3p
b – 1p
c – 2p
4. a – 2p
b – 3p
c – 1p

Scoring: Results:
4 – 6 You are a lonely, solitary person. You do not go out
too much and you are not very happy. You should take a
real vacation and start having fun. You should appreciate
more people around you.
7 – 9 Your best friend is food. You just love it. On the
second place of your top of preferences there‘s the TV.
You should make more real, human friends. They might
like you just the way you are. Don‘t be afraid to try it.
10 – 12You are very sociable. You have a lot of friends,
true friends. You know how to have fun and how to make
people laugh. You are the soul of the parties.