The best movies of 2012!

2012  presented as the most ambitious cinematographic year of the 21st century. Of course bad films were not missed, but they just seemed to be nothing in comparance with the masterpieces the last year offered us. You’re going to be informed with some of the top films of 2012. Let’s go!

imagesThe first great movie seen by me was „Moonrise Kingdom”, a new work of Wes Anderson, which presented as a tale for adults, and not only.  The most amazing is the concentration of a lot of great actors in one movie. The music in film was splendid.

Cristopher Nolan pleased us with the „The Dark Knight Rises”. A worthy ending for the most beloved trilogy of nowadays.

„Cloud Atlas” perhaps is the most overwhelming movie of the year, which is a combination of 6 different storylines based on the idea of reincarnation and the impact of simple cases, which may change our whole lives. Simply mind-blowing!

„Looper”, probably is the best choice for sci-fi lovers. Perfect make-up work.

„Life of Pi” comes out with a beautiful story of a young man who was stranded in the Pacific Ocean on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger. A journey through the real value of life.

Oscar winner „Argo” is a historical thriller directed by „young”  Ben Affleck, who gets better with every movie.

„Lincoln” is a new historical movie directed by well-known Steven Spielberg. The movie is starring Daniel Day-Lewis as Abraham Lincoln. The most interesting is that this role brought him the 3rd Oscar for best actor. Thus, Daniel became the first actor to have such success.

Finally, Tarantino’s new masterpiece „Django Unchained”. The film is much recommended to his fans.

These are some of the best films of the past year. It was hard to classify them, ‘cause2012 was really full of worthy films. Watch them, open new worlds, new characters and find yourself.

By:Guţu Ilie, 11″A”

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