Types of women!

Types of women(1)I had an opportunity to meet some types of women in my entire live. I am very glad that i had such an experience, because now i am able to make some difference between them.

I devided women in some categories, which are the most popular nowadays, so I would probably start with category which is called, BEST WOMEN, BEST, ENIGMATIC, SELFLESS, THIN WOMEN. This type of women deserves only the good things, hands full of rings, fistful of diamonds, flowers and only the best attitude, i’ve met such women, and i am very proud of it. These women will become the best mother’s for your children and the best wifes for you.

Next category is ,, TEACHER WOMEN,,… this caterogy of women will always try to teach you something , they will be the,, Head,, of your realationships , they need a disciple near them , not a real man.Rarely they will give you a chance to solve something by yourself , but you’ll be criticized for ever and ever.

My next category is ,,Babushka Women,, these women , are not to far from ,, teacher women ,, relationships with them will be alike relations between Mom and Son , they will call you and will ask where and with whom you’ve been, what you’ve eaten etc . This kind of relationships will become very boring as soon as it possible.

There is an category of women that i hate … ,, Mercedes-Benz Women ,,. These women are the most disgusting women in the world. Their level of,, iq,, is not so far from monkey’s one, and they don’t even know when the second World War started instead of these they are just fenomenal in the fashion field , they spend all of their free time at beauty salons and shops , they know all about expensive cars , but they will never be interested in your problems,these women will never become a good housewife , and a good mother.

My last category and i think the most important and beautiful category is,, IDEAL WOMEN,,. I think nobody would disagree that our moms are the best creatures in the world; it’s our first and our last word. I can speak about my mom hours and days , but the most important thing which I am sure she is waiting for , is that I love her, so my advice to you , dear readers , just be honesty and say to your moms that you love them , because they really deserve !

By:Morari Andrei, 11 „A”

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