Types of boys!

Girls are the most sensitive creatures on this Earth. They desire and crave for the true love but if their trust is broken, they hurt themselves and decide to end their life hoping that the person whom you love will realize his mistake and will repent for it but in fact it is not so.

Boys neither realize their mistake nor do they repent for it. Why should you waste you precious life for a worthless boy? So, never hurt yourself for a boy who will never learn to value you.

esq-men-celebrities-style-0311-xlgHere are 7 types of boys you should keep near. If your boy friend falls in any one of these qualities, then it’s good.

MR. SOCIAL BUM-He’s always the life of the party and he will always make you laugh.

MR. BOSS -He has a lifetime of experience to share which will likely keep you on your toes and he’ll show you how to see life in a different way

MR. TOO NICE-He always asks you out with reasonable notice and picks you up at your door and he will do anything for you, literally.

MR. INTELLECTUAL-He instigates conversations that are intellectually stimulating and listens to what you have to say in response and he makes you laugh with his clever sense of humor .

MR. ROMANTIC -When you meet, everything about him makes you swoon and he’s just the kind of man you’d love to flaunt, making all your girlfriends, and even the girls you don’t know, jealous. And you get treated like a princess.

MR. BEST FRIEND-He`s your best friend, you tell each other everything; you get along very, very well

and he’ll give you advice when you and your man are having problems and fights

MR. RIGHT -He’s handsome and intelligent, intellectual, brilliant, and capable of taking you there mentally and emotionally.

By:Gurduza Marina, 11″A”


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